Rookie Green Thumb

My youngest left the nest a few years ago returning with gifts for me from her time in Hawaii. A beautiful little orchid and seeds of the Plumeria tree. I am still developing my new green thumb but so far I have done well growing all that she brought home. Even managed to start a lemon tree from a seed out of my ice tea glass and a tomato plant from my salad bowl.

My gifted Orchid
Plumeria tree

I am looking forward to when they bloom. According to my research, as I am new to this level of the botany world, a plumeria tree will first bloom at about three years of age. One down-two to go, fingers crossed.

Plumeria tree
Plumeria tree

My husband has put multiple shelves on every window for me in the room (once the office/dining room) facing east. I am out of windows and space which has gravitated me into the living room. He is thrilled about all the new shelves he has put up out there for me too. I do see a green house project in our future. He is, again, so thrilled to hear the news of my idea.img_4364

Plumeria tree

My daughter made me the ‘minion’ you see above when she was in high school. It seemed fitting to place it in the pot growing the plumeria tree she gave me to grow from a seed.

Lemon tree

I sucked up a lemon seed through my straw while drinking iced tea and dropped it into soil with some fertilizer…boom-eight weeks later I have a lemon tree.

a wee tomato plant

A lonely piece of tomato was left in the bottom of my salad bowl so I did the same as the lemon seed…with any luck I will have a fresh tomato for my salad by spring

protector of my jungle

img_4356My side kick loves to sleep under all the other plants I have started hoarding (yes it has become an obsession) and guard them from would be plant robbers.

I even was successful in rooting an avocado. I have since planted since this photo was taken.IMG_3787


  1. Christine says:

    You really do have a green thumb! I love that your husband made you all those shelves for your plants. I look forward to seeing the progress of your lemon tree, tomato, and avocado!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Noellie says:

      Thank you 🙂I am excited and hope I can share some blooms soon. I surprised myself with how much I’ve grown.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Jane Lurie says:

    Wow! You have a green thumb, indeed, Noellie. I love Plumeria blooms and photographing them in Hawaii. Lovely array of plants you have…they always warm up a home. And, your quote from Mr. Rogers is a favorite. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Noellie says:

      Thank you so much. Mr. Rogers is definitely the best. I can’t wait to get blooms and smell them.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. dorannrule says:

    I am “green” with envy. Even my plastic plants die. The 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Noellie says:

      Haha thank you. I have surprised myself but having fun with it 🙂


  4. Beautiful 💕 Is difficult at the beginning but when you see them grow and bloom is such a huge satisfaction 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Noellie says:

      Thank you and yes so satisfying

      Liked by 1 person

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